Что за фигня,вчера все работало,а сегодня нет!
Тех. помощь - III / Have a question? Post it here (Part III)
Сообщений 871 страница 900 из 996
Поделиться8722010-12-22 13:55:55
Trucker попробуй скачай эту библиотеку,и кинь по пути который тут указан,была подобная проблема!
Поделиться8732010-12-22 15:20:23
Спасибо Всем кто помог,разобрался,правда намучался,откатил систему,потом переустановил все дрова,восстановил инет,короче гемор возникший ниоткуда!
Качаем у кого таже трабла http://www.mediafire.com/?hp4i27ggq47lfwa
Поделиться8742010-12-22 15:39:19
Всем привет!
Где-то читал,что есть возможность в Хауле "рулить" мышкой(там вроде как что-то настроить нужно где-то)...Кто знает способ как это сделать?,объясните пожалуйста
Поделиться8762010-12-26 10:29:30
Всем Доброго времени суток
При запуске игры с модом: Cali MAP 7 Стоит только этот мод и ничего лишнего.
Имеется вот такая проблемма
09:58:48 : Map successfully loaded ....
09:58:49 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
09:58:49 : [unit] The unit 'start_truck' of type 'vehicle' has dangling pointer (to 'vehicle.05379exhd') in the attribute named 'permanent_vehicle_data'.
09:58:49 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
09:58:49 : [unit] The pointer to 'vehicle.05379exhd' looks like dangling pointer.
09:58:49 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to load unit tree from file (/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii)
09:58:49 : .\management\game_ctrl.cpp(630): unknown fn: Unable to create economy unit!
Подскажите, как её решить?!
С Уважением, Ромарио
Отредактировано Romarios (2010-12-26 10:31:16)
Поделиться8772010-12-26 11:16:40
Скорее всего у тебя прописан стартовый трак, а в наличии его нет. Решение - или установи трак который там прописан, или пропиши другой.Где искать там сказано. /def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
Поделиться8782010-12-26 13:39:27
Переустановил винду, установил все необходимые драйвера, установил haulin. Когда загружаю игру выскакивает такая ошибка, и после неёё "отчёт об ошибке"
Скачай и установи(именно установи,скачав экзешник) OpenAll.у меня тоже было чета похожее,когда переустанавливал винду,но не с Хаулем.Но попробовать стоит и тебе.
Если это не поможет,то попробуй еще кинуть файл,который выложил Trucker выше
Качаем у кого таже трабла http://www.mediafire.com/?hp4i27ggq47lfwa
Поделиться8792010-12-26 20:07:15
Уже разобрался сам.
Спасибо за отзывчивость, с наступ.!)
Поделиться8802010-12-27 07:28:24
10-4. Разобрался
Поделиться8812010-12-30 17:45:53
Скорее всего у тебя прописан стартовый трак, а в наличии его нет. Решение - или установи трак который там прописан, или пропиши другой.Где искать там сказано. /def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
oq37 10-4. Разобрался
Объясните пожалуйста, как там этот стартовый трак заменить? Пытаюсь просто там изменить имя и обновить в архиве... Игра при загрузке начинает крашиться с сообщениями в логе по типу:
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.albuquerque' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.atlanta' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.winnipeg' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.albuquerque' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.atlanta' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.winnipeg' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'company.volatile.amergine' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'company.volatile.zabarts_food' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
Подскажите что я делаю не так? Меняю стартовый трак на kt2000 (такой был прописан на карте cali_edition_fixed) по образу
vehicle: start_truck
color: 4279246434
price: 0
fuel: 0.75
odometer: 1009permanent_vehicle_data: vehicle.kt2000
accessories[0]: .engine
accessories[1]: .transmission
accessories[2]: .brakes
accessories[3]: .wheel
accessories[4]: .hoodvariant: default
look: default
Заранее Спасибо!
Отредактировано LeX159 (2010-12-30 17:47:58)
Поделиться8822011-01-02 15:44:54
Всем привет! Установил пак грузовиков с новой физикой и начал менять вес трейлеров в самой игре в файлах vehicle\trailer\definition , поменял в парочке и решил запустить одиночный рейс посмотреть на динамику скорости. Зашел в меню а там при выборе рейса пропали все грузы Может кроме изменения веса еще что-то нужно прописывать?
А то я в этом не сильно разбираюсь
Поделиться8832011-01-03 13:16:45
slai во первых - покажи лог файл, во вторых - какие моды кроме грузовиков еще установленны? если установлена карта Cali map возможно изза этого
Поделиться8842011-01-03 15:01:43
bra2s вот такой лог после изменения веса трейлера в /venice/trailer/difinition/acid.sii
13:33:36 : [fs] file open failed! (/vehicle/trailer/definition/acid.sii:0)
13:33:36 : [unit] File '/vehicle/trailer/trailer_storage.sii', line 4:
13:33:36 : Failed to open the file '/vehicle/trailer/definition/acid.sii'.
13:33:36 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/vehicle/trailer/trailer_storage.sii)
13:33:42 : Loading city data ....
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF8.3908' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.opentop' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AFC.E9E0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.flatbed' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6ED0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.asphalt') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.asphalt' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6BB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.beverages' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3418' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.16D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.19D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.boat') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.boat' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1158' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.storage' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.0D58' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.sv_1' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.0530' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.car') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.car' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.FA10' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.cement') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.cement' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.F298' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.chemicals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.chemicals' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.EEC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.acid') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.acid' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.E700' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.animals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.animals' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DB50' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DF38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DA40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.dump' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CCA0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.dryvan' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CBB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CBB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.double' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.C850' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EF40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.D9D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.hopper' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.E098' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.2E60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.2E60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0260' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7C38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.ED50' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7D38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7D38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.DD40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.container') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.container' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.D6D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8310' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7358' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.wideload' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.70B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_2') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.sv_2' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7108' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6830' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.gasoline' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2F88' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2B60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2B60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2738' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.reefer') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.reefer' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2338' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1F30' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1F30' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A4F0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A390' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A430' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.91E8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9088' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9088' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9128' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F0A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.32A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.horse') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.horse' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3340' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3190' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_2') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3230' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.animals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7748' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.log_big') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.log_big' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0680' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.longload' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0720' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.05C0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0610' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7E28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7E28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7CC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7D68' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7A78' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7B18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.milk') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.milk' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.98D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.home') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.home' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9090' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.office') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.office' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9130' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7668' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.oxygen') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.oxygen' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.A030' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.nuclear') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.nuclear' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.A0D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8C90' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8700' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.87A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.oxygen') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8150' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7208' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.72A8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.reefer') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1818' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DC78' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DD18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7AD0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.container') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7B20' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.70D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7120' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F280' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F280' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F320' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.storage') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.72E8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7388' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.96E0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9780' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3A28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3A28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3AC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3B18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.waste') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.waste' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D1B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D1B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D258' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EE18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EEB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.A4C8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.huge_tube') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.huge_tube' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.A568' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.8220' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.8220' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.82C0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii)
13:34:00 : ui t console:system_02
13:34:24 : ui t console:system_02
13:34:26 : quit
13:34:26 : [gl] Context shutdown
13:34:26 : [gl] CDS shutdown: OK
13:34:26 : [sys] process shutdown
карта Mex-Usa-Canada v4.0 Beta , но без неё тоже самое
Отредактировано slai (2011-01-03 16:33:48)
Поделиться8852011-01-03 16:37:57
Ты открывал саму base.scs и там менял данные?
Поделиться8862011-01-03 16:38:22
slai, скопипейсть как у тебя сейчас выглядит definition трейлера, массу которого меняешь. судя по всему накосячил где то там
Поделиться8872011-01-03 17:07:06
selonik да base.scs
trailer_vehicle_data: trailer.acid
name: "@@trl_acid@@"
preview: "acid"price: 19000
model: "/vehicle/trailer/liquidsmall/trailer.pmd"
collision: "/vehicle/trailer/liquidsmall/trailer.pmc"// lod: "/vehicle/trailer/acid/lod.pmd"
rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/8/wheel.pmd"
wheel_mass: 10.0mass: 30000
empty_variant: acid
skins[]: defaultsuitable_cargos[]: chemicals
Поделиться8882011-01-04 16:26:20
bra2s плюнул я на эту проблему и поставил пак трейлеров благо в паке вес меняется нормально.
Но есть новый вопрос: что дает увеличение веса трейлера для твоего пака траков с физикой , я ставил вес и 3000 и 30000 и 90000 а влияние на скорость и разгон нету
может я опять своими кривыми руками что-то делаю не правильно
Поделиться8892011-01-04 17:24:14
slaiстранно... может мне кажется, но я для негабаритов поставил вес 100000 - везти вроде тяжелее чем 30000 хотя разница заметна совсем чуть чуть... поставь больше... 1000000 например, поэкспериментируй в общем)
Поделиться8902011-01-04 17:56:06
bra2sНу да и ладно, баланс вроде и так нормальный.
1000000 лучше ставить не буду а то еще колёса у трейлера отвалятся )
Да и ещё, в твоём паке грузовиков можно как-то менять цены на траки или нет, а то у меня при смене цены возвращаеться дефолтный салон, сорри если глупый вопрос
Отредактировано slai (2011-01-06 00:13:49)
Поделиться8912011-01-08 15:18:56
Привет всем,кто подскажет через какую программу можно конвертить?
Поделиться8922011-01-08 15:24:24
при смене цены возвращаеться дефолтный салон
Что ты не так делаешь. Похоже, что после твоих манипуляций игра перестает видеть прежний сии и запускает родной.
через какую программу можно конвертить
Судя по вопросу - это для тебя пока не актуально. А вообще Z-моделлер(Заноза).
Поделиться8932011-01-08 16:23:19
og37 Просто в паке меняю цену в дифинишене любого грузовика и у него почему-то возвращаеться старый салон а у остальных остаются нормальные У bra2s отличный пак грузовиков , там стоят более близкие к реальным цены на траки но они не стыкуются с оплатой за грузы , в игре за один рейс можно заработать столько что сразу хватит на несколько траков и я хочу увеличить в паке цены на траки. Можно конечно уменьшить плату за доставку грузов но я не знаю как.
Поделиться8942011-01-08 17:09:14
цену в дифинишене любого грузовика
Ты где то косячишь. Либо неправильно работаешь с архивом.Ты должен открыть архив вытащить мышкой, на рабочий стол, сии файл. Внести в него, необходимые тебе, изменения.Затем перетаскиваешь на архив, метод сжатия ставишь - без сжатия и жмешь ок. И все должно получиться.
Поделиться8952011-01-08 18:14:37
если вносить изменения в файлы в самом архиве и сохранить, то архив автоматически перепаковывается но уже с сжатием. учите господа матчасть
Поделиться8962011-01-08 18:49:37
oq37 Cпасибо попробую
bra2s А можно немножко подробнее так-как я в этом только начинаю разбираться
Отредактировано slai (2011-01-08 18:54:56)
Поделиться8972011-01-08 19:04:18
немножко подробнее так
Вот я тебе как раз подробно и написал.
Поделиться8982011-01-09 00:25:01
парни можно ли сделать у прицепа (не полуприцепа) переднюю ось поворотную без использования двойного прицепа?
Поделиться8992011-01-09 00:27:32
легко. переименуй думми передней оси прицепа, на поворотные. т.е. как на передней оси тягача.
Поделиться9002011-01-09 17:18:50
легко. переименуй думми передней оси прицепа, на поворотные. т.е. как на передней оси тягача.
вряд ли это прокатит с прицепами. игра может не принять передние колеса на прицепе. да и потом эффект будет не тот. поворотная тележка ведь с осью поворачивается. кароче нужно делать двойной прицеп. первый - только телега, второй - сам п\п