PlayTruckSims: Грузовые симуляторы, Дальнобойщики, Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator

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Тех. помощь - III / Have a question? Post it here (Part III)

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Что за фигня,вчера все работало,а сегодня нет!



Trucker попробуй скачай эту библиотеку,и кинь по пути который тут указан,была подобная проблема!



Спасибо Всем кто помог,разобрался,правда намучался,откатил систему,потом переустановил все дрова,восстановил инет,короче гемор возникший ниоткуда!
Качаем у кого таже трабла



Всем привет!
Где-то читал,что есть возможность в Хауле "рулить" мышкой(там вроде как что-то настроить нужно где-то)...Кто знает способ как это сделать?,объясните пожалуйста :)



Ребята, помогите.
проблема вот в чём:
Переустановил винду, установил все необходимые драйвера, установил haulin. Когда загружаю игру выскакивает такая ошибка, и после неёё "отчёт об ошибке"
Что это значит и что мне делать?



Всем Доброго времени суток
  При запуске игры с модом: Cali MAP 7 Стоит только этот мод и ничего лишнего.

Имеется вот такая проблемма

09:58:48 : Map successfully loaded ....
09:58:49 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
09:58:49 : [unit] The unit 'start_truck' of type 'vehicle' has dangling pointer (to 'vehicle.05379exhd') in the attribute named 'permanent_vehicle_data'.
09:58:49 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':
09:58:49 : [unit] The pointer to 'vehicle.05379exhd' looks like dangling pointer.
09:58:49 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to load unit tree from file (/def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii)
09:58:49 : .\management\game_ctrl.cpp(630): unknown fn: Unable to create economy unit!

Подскажите, как её решить?!

С Уважением, Ромарио

Отредактировано Romarios (2010-12-26 10:31:16)



Скорее всего у тебя прописан стартовый трак, а в наличии его нет. Решение - или установи трак который там прописан, или пропиши другой.Где искать там сказано. /def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':



Actros 1843 написал(а):

Переустановил винду, установил все необходимые драйвера, установил haulin. Когда загружаю игру выскакивает такая ошибка, и после неёё "отчёт об ошибке"

Скачай и установи(именно установи,скачав экзешник) OpenAll.у меня тоже было чета похожее,когда переустанавливал винду,но не с Хаулем.Но попробовать стоит и тебе. :)
Если это не поможет,то попробуй еще кинуть файл,который выложил Trucker выше

Trucker написал(а):

Качаем у кого таже трабла



Уже разобрался сам.
Спасибо за отзывчивость, с наступ.!) :flag:



   10-4. Разобрался



oq37 написал(а):

Скорее всего у тебя прописан стартовый трак, а в наличии его нет. Решение - или установи трак который там прописан, или пропиши другой.Где искать там сказано. /def/economy/initial_saves/easy/game.sii':

Romarios написал(а):

oq37   10-4. Разобрался

Объясните пожалуйста, как там этот стартовый трак заменить? Пытаюсь просто там изменить имя и обновить в архиве... Игра при загрузке начинает крашиться с сообщениями в логе по типу:

Свернутый текст

19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.albuquerque' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.atlanta' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'garage.winnipeg' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.albuquerque' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.atlanta' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'parking.winnipeg' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'company.volatile.amergine' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':
19:42:01 : [unit] The pointer to 'company.volatile.zabarts_food' looks like dangling pointer.
19:42:01 : [unit] File '/def/economy/initial_saves/medium/game.sii':

Подскажите что я делаю не так? Меняю стартовый трак на kt2000 (такой был прописан на карте cali_edition_fixed) по образу

Свернутый текст

vehicle: start_truck
color: 4279246434
price: 0
fuel: 0.75
odometer: 1009

permanent_vehicle_data: vehicle.kt2000
accessories[0]: .engine
accessories[1]: .transmission
accessories[2]: .brakes
accessories[3]: .wheel
accessories[4]: .hood

variant: default
look: default

Заранее Спасибо!

Отредактировано LeX159 (2010-12-30 17:47:58)



Всем привет! Установил пак грузовиков с новой физикой и начал менять вес трейлеров  в самой игре в файлах vehicle\trailer\definition , поменял в парочке и решил запустить одиночный рейс посмотреть на динамику скорости. Зашел в меню а там при выборе рейса пропали все грузы :dontknow:  Может кроме изменения веса еще что-то нужно прописывать?
А то я в этом не сильно разбираюсь :flag:



slai во первых - покажи лог файл, во вторых - какие моды кроме грузовиков еще установленны? если установлена карта Cali map возможно изза этого



bra2s  вот такой лог после изменения веса трейлера в /venice/trailer/difinition/acid.sii   

Свернутый текст

13:33:36 : [fs] file open failed! (/vehicle/trailer/definition/acid.sii:0)
13:33:36 : [unit] File '/vehicle/trailer/trailer_storage.sii', line 4:
13:33:36 : Failed to open the file '/vehicle/trailer/definition/acid.sii'.
13:33:36 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/vehicle/trailer/trailer_storage.sii)
13:33:42 : Loading city data ....
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF8.3908' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.opentop' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AFC.E9E0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.flatbed' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6ED0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.asphalt') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.asphalt' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6BB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.beverages' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3418' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.16D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.19D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.boat') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.boat' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1158' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.0D58' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.sv_1' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.0530' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.FA10' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.cement') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.cement' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.F298' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.chemicals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.chemicals' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.EEC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.acid') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.acid' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.E700' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.animals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.animals' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DB50' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DF38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DA40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.dump' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CCA0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.dryvan' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CBB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.CBB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.double' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.C850' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.beverages') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EF40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.D9D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.hopper' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.E098' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.2E60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.2E60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0260' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7C38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.ED50' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7D38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7D38' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.DD40' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.container') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.container' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.D6D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8310' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7358' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.wideload' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.70B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_2') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.sv_2' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7108' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.6830' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.gasoline' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2F88' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2B60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2B60' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2738' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.reefer') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.reefer' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.2338' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1F30' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1F30' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A4F0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A390' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.A430' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.91E8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9088' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9088' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.9128' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F0A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.32A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3340' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3190' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_2') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.3230' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.animals') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7748' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.log_big') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.log_big' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0680' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.longload' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0720' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.05C0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.0610' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7E28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7E28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7CC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7D68' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7A78' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7B18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.milk') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.milk' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.98D8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.home') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.home' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9090' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9130' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7668' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.oxygen') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.oxygen' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.A030' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.nuclear') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.nuclear' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.A0D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8C90' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.gasoline') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8700' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dump') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.87A0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.oxygen') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.8150' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.longload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.7208' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.opentop') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.72A8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.reefer') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.1818' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DC78' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.DD18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7AD0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.container') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7B20' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.70D0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.7120' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F280' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F280' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF1.F320' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.72E8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.sv_1') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF2.7388' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.96E0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.9780' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3A28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3A28' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3AC8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF7.3B18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.waste') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.waste' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D1B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D1B8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF6.D258' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.hopper') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EE18' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.flatbed') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.EEB8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.A4C8' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.huge_tube') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The pointer to 'trailer.huge_tube' looks like dangling pointer.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.A568' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.8220' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.dryvan') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.8220' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.double') in the attribute named 'double_trailer'.
13:33:42 : [unit] File '/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii':
13:33:42 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.0AF5.82C0' of type 'cargo_trailer_param' has dangling pointer (to 'trailer.wideload') in the attribute named 'trailer'.
13:33:42 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/economy/cargo_storage.sii)
13:34:00 : ui t console:system_02
13:34:24 : ui t console:system_02
13:34:26 : quit
13:34:26 : [gl] Context shutdown
13:34:26 : [gl] CDS shutdown: OK
13:34:26 : [sys] process shutdown

карта Mex-Usa-Canada v4.0 Beta , но без неё тоже самое  :no:

Отредактировано slai (2011-01-03 16:33:48)



Ты открывал саму base.scs и там менял данные?



slai, скопипейсть как у тебя сейчас выглядит definition трейлера, массу которого меняешь. судя по всему накосячил где то там



selonik  да base.scs

Свернутый текст

trailer_vehicle_data: trailer.acid
name: "@@trl_acid@@"
preview: "acid"

price: 19000

model: "/vehicle/trailer/liquidsmall/trailer.pmd"
collision: "/vehicle/trailer/liquidsmall/trailer.pmc"

// lod: "/vehicle/trailer/acid/lod.pmd"

rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/8/wheel.pmd"
wheel_mass: 10.0

mass: 30000

empty_variant: acid
skins[]: default

suitable_cargos[]: chemicals



bra2s  плюнул  я на эту проблему и поставил пак трейлеров благо в паке вес меняется нормально.
Но есть новый вопрос: что дает увеличение веса трейлера для твоего  пака траков с физикой ,  я ставил вес и 3000 и 30000 и 90000 а влияние на скорость и разгон нету
может я опять своими кривыми руками что-то делаю не правильно :question:



slaiстранно... может мне кажется, но я для негабаритов поставил вес 100000 - везти вроде тяжелее чем 30000 хотя разница заметна совсем чуть чуть... поставь больше... 1000000 например, поэкспериментируй в общем)



bra2sНу да и ладно, баланс вроде и так нормальный.
1000000 лучше ставить не буду а то еще колёса у трейлера отвалятся ) :D
Да и ещё, в твоём паке грузовиков можно как-то менять цены на траки или нет, а то у меня при смене цены возвращаеться дефолтный салон,  сорри если глупый вопрос :flag:

Отредактировано slai (2011-01-06 00:13:49)



Привет всем,кто подскажет через какую программу можно конвертить?



slai написал(а):

при смене цены возвращаеться дефолтный салон

Что ты не так делаешь. Похоже, что после твоих манипуляций игра перестает видеть прежний сии и запускает родной.

KAMAZ Trucker написал(а):

через какую программу можно конвертить

Судя по вопросу - это для тебя пока не актуально. А вообще Z-моделлер(Заноза).



og37 Просто в паке меняю цену в дифинишене любого грузовика и  у него почему-то возвращаеться старый салон а у остальных остаются нормальные :dontknow:  У bra2s отличный пак грузовиков , там стоят более близкие к реальным цены на траки но они не стыкуются с оплатой за грузы  , в игре за один рейс можно заработать столько что сразу хватит на несколько траков и я хочу увеличить в паке цены на траки. Можно конечно уменьшить плату за доставку грузов но я не знаю как.



slai написал(а):

цену в дифинишене любого грузовика

Ты где то косячишь. Либо неправильно работаешь с архивом.Ты должен открыть архив вытащить мышкой, на рабочий стол, сии файл. Внести в него, необходимые тебе, изменения.Затем перетаскиваешь на архив, метод сжатия ставишь - без сжатия и жмешь ок. И все должно получиться.



если вносить изменения в файлы в самом архиве и сохранить, то архив автоматически перепаковывается но уже с сжатием. учите господа матчасть ;)



oq37 Cпасибо попробую
bra2s А можно немножко подробнее так-как я в этом только начинаю разбираться :blush:

Отредактировано slai (2011-01-08 18:54:56)



slai написал(а):

немножко подробнее так

Вот я тебе как раз подробно и написал.



парни можно ли сделать у прицепа (не полуприцепа) переднюю ось поворотную без использования двойного прицепа?



легко. переименуй думми передней оси прицепа, на поворотные. т.е. как на передней оси тягача.



Frantic написал(а):

легко. переименуй думми передней оси прицепа, на поворотные. т.е. как на передней оси тягача.

вряд ли это прокатит с прицепами. игра может не принять передние колеса на прицепе. да и потом эффект будет не тот. поворотная тележка ведь с осью поворачивается. кароче нужно делать двойной прицеп. первый - только телега, второй - сам п\п