PlayTruckSims: Грузовые симуляторы, Дальнобойщики, Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator

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VaneK (53rus) написал(а):

Реально-ли в педалях сделать  рабочую поворотную  телегу на прицепе ?

поворотную на телеге - да, работающую как положено, и на тягаче и на телеге - нет



Объясните мне дураку, как отцентровать модель в занозе

Собирал Камазы,Кразы  знал как,  а вот сейчас не вспомнить ни как и всё...



VaneK (53rus) написал(а):

Объясните мне дураку, как отцентровать модель в занозе

В смысле отцентровать? Локальные оси сбросить или модель разместить строго по центру?




Саму модель кое-как, с горем пополам, я умудрился разместить по центру.

Но что-то натворил с осями не то, и теперь весь свет идёт в правую сторону.
Дамми все на своих местах, но свет от них виден только с правой стороны трака.

Как бы мне это всё исправить ?

Отредактировано VaneK (53rus) (2014-07-04 04:01:56)



VaneK (53rus) написал(а):

Дамми все на своих местах, но свет от них виден только с правой стороны трака.
Как бы мне это всё исправить ?

почему бы их не повернуть в нужном направлении, например на виде сверху?..



Да что толку поворачивать? У меня тоже такаиже еруна была. Вращал маркеры, модель двигал, все что не делал. Все без толку было. Дело в ирархий на верное. Потом я заново переконвертировал эту же модель на другой грузовик. И все нормально стало.



Kamazist95 написал(а):

Да что толку поворачивать?

не знаю что и как вы делали, но если -

VaneK (53rus) написал(а):

свет от них виден только с правой стороны трака.

свет от соответствующих dummy в игре - светит только по направлению соответствующих локальных осей...
общая практика - создал новый *.psm файл с моделью - сбрось локальные оси всех dummy - сделай экспорт - проверь что куда светит в игре  - импортируй и вращай что и куда надо... - это личный опыт, срабатывал всегда, с 2005 года.



Правильно laza-truck пишет, свет только так и настраивается, глянул в игре, даже в шоуруме, куда светит, открыл в занозе и развернул куда надо, как правило в виде сверху.
А как разместить деталь строго по центру или тот же дамми, смотрим здесь



Не знаю где написать, напишу здесь. Я установил 18 стальных колес - По Ярославским дорогам, поиграл и когда я в Ростове ждал 4 или 5 груз, то игра вылетела. В чем проблема? Вот лог:

Свернутый текст

11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** wrong mover look definition (look50). Model40 has 12 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** [tobj] can't load : /materials/road/road_old_ref.tobj (No such file or directory)
11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** <tga> can't load : /materials/road/notfound.tga (No such file or directory)
11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** psm_get_num_parts(mi[kk]->model_info) != 2
11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** psm_get_num_parts(mi[kk]->model_info) != 2
11:59:00 : *** ERROR *** psm_get_num_parts(mi[kk]->model_info) != 2
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/rails.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/rails.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] failed to load g_data for /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/rails.psm
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [material_loader] can'open /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/slupek.mat
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [tobj] can't load : /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/notfound.tobj (No such file or directory)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** <tga> can't load : /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/notfound.tga (No such file or directory)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [material_loader] can'open /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/rails.mat
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [material_loader] can'open /models/YaroslavlMod/buildings/rails/bare.mat
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** wrong look definition (look325). Model148 has 0 parts, but look defines 3 materials
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** wrong look definition (look326). Model149 has 2 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** wrong look definition (look328). Model151 has 2 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** wrong look definition (look329). Model152 has 2 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] failed to load g_data for /models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error reading geometry file (/models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] failed to load g_data for /models/YaroslavlMod/trava.psm
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:01 : *** ERROR *** [psm] error opening file  (file doesn't have extension)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look2). Model2 has 2 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look112). Model101 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look130). Model119 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look186). Model149 has 0 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look285). Model206 has 0 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look364). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look365). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look366). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look367). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look368). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look369). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look370). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look371). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look372). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look373). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look374). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look375). Model294 has 1 parts, but look defines 2 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** wrong model look definition (look388). Model269 has 0 parts, but look defines 1 materials
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/2_2_3_3.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/1_1_2_2.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/1_1b2_2.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/1_1c2_2.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/2_2b3_3.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/2_2c3_3.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/2_2_2_2.pbd)
11:59:02 : *** ERROR *** Incorrect prefab version (/prefabs/fork/3_3_3_3.pbd)
11:59:03 : *** ERROR *** Wrong city index (Переславль is ovewriten by Вашингтон)
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:04 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:08 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] cannot open file: '/sounds/environment/thunder4.ogg'
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf1
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf1
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
11:59:09 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
11:59:10 : ui t console:system_02
11:59:14 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:14 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:14 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:15 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:16 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:16 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:16 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:16 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:17 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
11:59:19 : cheat all
11:59:19 : *** ERROR *** [cmd] 'cheat all' - unknown command
11:59:23 : ui t console:system_02
11:59:27 : ui t console:system_02
11:59:29 : ui t console:system_02
11:59:36 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
11:59:36 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
11:59:47 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf1
11:59:47 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelf2
11:59:47 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr1
11:59:47 : *** ERROR *** Cannot find part low in wheelr2
11:59:58 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
11:59:58 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:00 : game_menu
12:00:01 : [snd] device count : 1
12:00:11 : game_menu
12:00:11 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:12 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:12 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:12 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:12 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:13 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:13 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:13 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:14 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:14 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:15 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:15 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:36 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:38 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:39 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:39 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:40 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:40 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:00:49 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:49 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:51 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:51 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:00:53 : game_menu
12:02:24 : game_menu
12:02:24 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:02:26 : pause
12:02:55 : game_menu
12:02:56 : game_menu
12:02:56 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:02:57 : pause
12:03:04 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:03:05 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:03:05 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:03:08 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>
12:03:08 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_segment>

Продолжение лога:
[spoiler]12:03:08 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:03:08 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:07:37 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:08:31 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:08:34 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:08:37 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to -3 lane!!!!
12:08:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:09:17 : *** ERROR *** [ds8] unsupported file: '156'
12:10:48 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:48 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:49 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:50 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:51 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:52 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:53 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:54 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:55 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:56 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:56 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:56 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:56 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:56 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:57 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:58 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:58 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:58 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:58 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:58 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:10:59 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:00 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:01 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is changing lane to 3 lane!!!!
12:11:02 : [traffic_ctrl] *** ERROR ***  car is

Отредактировано Партизан (2014-09-19 16:56:02)



Вечер добрый мужики. Подскажите,кто работает в Blender как установить плагины SCS? Я в блендер работаю довольно давно,вот решил для ETS 2 попробовать,а плагины поставить не могу. Блендер их не видит. Что я делаю не так? Моя версия блендер 2.71 то есть самая последняя.

Отредактировано Гитарист (2014-09-19 18:19:55)



Гитарист тема тут Blender



Ребята посмотрите пожалуйста пост 879



Партизан написал(а):

Ребята посмотрите пожалуйста пост 879

Да там всё красное и с таким количеством ошибок попробуй пойми из-за чего вылет. И вполне возможно что у прицепа который генерируется в игре на базе проблемы с колёсами, а колёса вещь капризная для призмы. Большая часть вылетов из-за колёс.



Да, Сергей, я тоже думаю, что вылет из-за дефолтных прицепов, а ведь ДобрЫй_Дальнобой обещал, что в игре будут заменены прицепы и фирмы, а у меня на игре все дефолт. кроме траффика, который он конвертнул из Хаулина.



Если честно, времени в обрез было. Вот и пришлось стандартные компании оставить. Ну и к тому же меньше нагрузка на игру.



Когда ты вставишь в игру 18 стальных колес - По Ярославским дорогам новые компании, прицепы и грузы?



Партизан написал(а):

Когда ты вставишь в игру 18 стальных колес - По Ярославским дорогам новые компании, прицепы и грузы?

Сам поставь прицепы и грузы ни чего сложного в этом нет



А как вставить прицепы в 18 стальных колес - По Ярославским дорогам?



Как ставить прицепы. 18 wos pttm,makes,trailer.Колеса если есть то во wheels Прописываем в дескриптон. Открывается текстовым документом.



У меня нету этих папок в 18 стальных колес - По Ярославским дорогам.



Ну создаи эти папки. И все. Делов та, на 2 копейки.



А какое количество дефолтных компаний в Пыль дорог?






Что это за ошибка?
19:51:12 : *** WARN *** [gl] skipping draw... zero vertex count
Ковырялся с картой и теперь вылеты в одном городе и вот от этой заразы не могу избавиться.
19:51:12 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_col_segment>
19:51:12 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_col_segment>
19:51:12 : [game_ctrl] *** WARN *** Reusing visible segment! <get_col_segment>
Из-за этого начинаются тормоза при вращении камеры в определённом направлении.
Ысовцы вы достали, порой желание ковырять карту просто пропадает из-за не понятных ошибок. Почему когда делаешь карту эти ошибки не вылазят, чтобы их сразу устранить, нет мучился, мучился и результат, вылет из игры. Обидно.



Кто в курсе как сделать что бы солнце было на небе. Я так понимаю это не текстура. Это с карты Кубань 
У меня нет солнца на карте а тут есть, прошу подсказки.



Попробуй модель неба взять из Кубани.И проверить у себя в моде.Может и появится солнце.

Отредактировано Kamazist95 (2014-11-15 23:20:14)



у меня база дефолт - в папке materials/effects валяется какое-то солнце... может оно...



laza-truck написал(а):

у меня база дефолт - в папке materials/effects валяется какое-то солнце... может оно...

У меня оно тоже в моде есть, а вот нет его на небе. Почему не могу понять, может из-за каких-то параметров прописки в файле sun.def

Kamazist95 написал(а):

Попробуй модель неба взять из Кубани.И проверить у себя в моде.Может и появится солнце.

Там нет модели неба, дефолтное оно там.



selonik написал(а):

У меня оно тоже в моде есть, а вот нет его на небе

глупое предположение - у тебя прогноз погоды в сейве не гроза случаем...
sun.def - параметры аналогичные glass.mat...

Свернутый текст

def sun_data {

amb00:"< 30  30  45 >" # sun angle -90 (midnight)
amb01:"< 30  30  45 >" # sun angle -75
amb02:"< 30  30  45 >" # sun angle -60
amb03:"< 34  34  45 >" # sun angle -45
amb04:"< 48  48  45 >" # sun angle -30
amb05:"< 50  50  50 >" # sun angle -15 (dawn)
amb06:"< 65  65  67 >" # sun angle +0 (sunrise - 20.7.2003 in Prague at 04:15)
amb07:"< 65  65  65 >" # sun angle +15
amb08:"< 70  70  75 >" # sun angle +30
amb09:"< 70  70  75 >" # sun angle +45
amb10:"< 70  70  75  >" # sun angle +60
amb11:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +75
amb12:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +90
amb13:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +90(noon - 20.7.2003 in Prague at 12:09)
amb14:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +75
amb15:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +60
amb16:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +45
amb17:"< 75  75  75  >" # sun angle +30
amb18:"< 75  70  78  >" # sun angle +15 (dusk)
amb19:"< 88  62  60  >" # sun angle +0 (sunset - 20.7.2003 in Prague at 20:02)
amb20:"< 85  58  57  >" # sun angle -15 (darkfall)
amb21:"< 82  45  56  >" # sun angle -30
amb22:"< 50  45  51  >" # sun angle -45
amb23:"< 30  30  45  >"  # sun angle -60

diff00:"< 20  20  20>" # midnight
diff01:"< 20  20  20>"
diff02:"< 20  20  20>"
diff03:"< 25  25  25>"
diff04:"< 40  40  40>"
diff05:"< 65  65  65 >"
diff06:"< 125 125  155 >" # sunrise
diff07:"< 212 217 244 >"
diff08:"< 245 245 245 >"
diff09:"< 250 250 250 >"
diff10:"< 253 253 253 >"
diff11:"< 255 255 255 >"
diff12:"< 255 255 255 >"
diff13:"< 255 255 255 >" # noon
diff14:"< 255 255 255 >" # noon
diff15:"< 255 255 255 >"
diff16:"< 255 255 255 >"
diff17:"< 255 255 255 >"
diff18:"< 255 250 245 >"
diff19:"< 254 244 235 >"
diff20:"< 253 215 185 >"
diff21:"< 232 161 80 >"
diff22:"< 200 121 40 >"
diff23:"<  20  20 20>"

spec00:"< 60 56 62 >" # midnight
spec01:"< 60 56 62 >"
spec02:"< 61 57 65 >"
spec03:"< 61 57 65 >"
spec04:"< 73 69 78 >"
spec05:"< 99 96 98 >"
spec06:"< 150 125 120 >" # sunrise
spec07:"< 168 164 164 >"
spec08:"< 201 201 180 >"
spec09:"< 245 245 245 >"
spec10:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec11:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec12:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec13:"< 255 255 255 >" # noon
spec14:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec15:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec16:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec17:"< 255 255 255 >"
spec18:"< 251 216 125 >"
spec19:"< 250 193 111 >" # sunset
spec20:"< 210 126 98 >"
spec21:"< 115 69 78 >"
spec22:"< 61 57 65 >"
spec23:"< 61 57 65 >"




laza-truck написал(а):

глупое предположение - у тебя прогноз погоды в сейве не гроза случаем...sun.def - параметры аналогичные glass.mat...

Думаю что не глупое. Надо проверить.